A detail from series filmmaking. : UF PRO
Some of you know him as Luka Zorenč. Being amazed by the series, we have done a research on him, decided to reach him out and shortly afterwards learned that he is a really awesome guy — friendly, open-minded, versatile and very professional — unlike us, and here we want to use the opportunity to publicly apologize to Luka for presenting you this “interview” a bit behind the agreed schedule, due to lots of unplanned activities on our side, that have been popping out, more than ads on YouTube.
As for Luka himself, he is one of the seven children in the family, the youngest one and that is probably why he is good at team sports as well, especially when it comes to defense. Besides broad tactical experience, Luka is pretty good at writing and we will cover that in the upcoming paragraphs, as well.
Memories from different corners of the world. : Luka Zorenč
Talking about the aforementioned Combat Medic Essentials series, Luka said that they had wanted to do something that many considered it could not be done well — to make series themed on the TCCC (Eng. tactical combat casualty care) as practical and theoretical as possible, wrapped in the best graphic possible. And they did it — many experience medics here in Serbia praised the series as something best they have seen publicly. As a true professional, Luka praised all the other guys in front and behind the camera that had aided in making such amazing series. We`ll call them the silent warriors.
I wanted to push out the knowledge in the simplest of forms. I was fed up with cocky medics, who preach the medical gospel and overly complicate things. This “cockiness” really bugs me in every shape, or form.
Luka Zorenč
combat medic
Being open-minded, Luka believes that learning is a continuous process, but cannot put up with those guys coming back from a seminar, or a course, and acting like they are the new Messiah, changing all the previous curricula and starting their own way, the new, right way... Sounds familiar, dear tactical readers? We feel you...
Luka`s humaneness, Spain. : Luka Zorenč
So, the next question was why — why choosing the simplest way to present that specific knowledge, why not going for those fancy, long scientific phrases to present yourselves as “professional enough”?
We wanted to make them [the series] simple. When you are under stress, only the simplest solutions work.
Luka Zorenč
combat medic
We know several medics who learned something from the series, or even used the videos to teach others. We have also learned lots of things from the series. Besides the knowledge being shared worldwide — thanks to Luka and the silent warriors — there is something more here, something you cannot put a price on, something that the very few can experience, including Luka — when they receive a text saying, something like “I saved someone because of your videos!”
Not only the series alone grew very popular online, but also the bloopers and the behind-the-scenes moments. When talking about the funny moments, Luka said that everyone in the videos were or are members of the Slovenian SOF community.
That is what we are — we are warriors, not actors. Especially not me, because every shoot needed at least 4-6 repetitions.
Luka Zorenč
combat medic
If you watch the blooper video, you`ll understand what Luka is talking about and if you are from the ex-YU region, you will probably understand some of the words that have been screamed out during the filmmaking.
A training detail, Croatia. : Luka Zorenč
We wanted to hear more about Luka`s work and medical ethics, to hear his message for other enthusiasts and professionals out there.
When asked what personal traits one must have in order to develop into a serious combat medic, Luka replied something so precious, that we quote it entirely:
Leave your ego at the door. Understand you don’t know everything and you are merely buying time for the doctor. When you think you know your stuff, then people will start getting hurt and dying. So stay hungry for knowledge and never stop learning! There is a great English expression, it's called “practice of medicine” and it simply reminds you — you have to practice medicine, always.
Luka Zorenč
combat medic
As in everything, there is an obvious difference between the training and the real stuff. Having a broad field experience, Luka underlines one thing that the field imposes on an individual, regardless of their previous training. It`s fear!
There is no instructor overseeing me. There is only the casualty, they are looking at you, hoping for your help. Everyone is counting on your knowledge/experience to save the day. It’s you out there alone with your fears, sometimes being the only medical personnel for kilometers around. I haven`t come up on a situation with a casualty yet, in which I felt an overwhelming feeling of power. But that is what stress does to you. All your cockiness will fade away. The reality hits and you have to prove how much of a medic you really are.
Luka Zorenč
combat medic
To learn more about Luka`s professional experience and work ethics, check out the video .
It is pretty embarrassing, but at least fortunate, to point out that the community in the region is finally starting to realize the importance of combat medics and tactical medicine as training nowadays. Therefore, we wanted to hear what Luka had to say to younger guys out there, striving to become combat medics themselves. Once again, we received a powerful reply:
Train as you fight. I know it’s way too American to say this. But it works, all training should be a reality-based training. Never say: “In reality I’ll do this, in reality I’ll do that.” You won’t — during stressful situations a magic fairy doesn’t pop up and gives you a special ability. Train smart and as realistic, but make it as hard as well. Nevertheless, always consider what is realistic! Leave the dog and pony-show training for your generals — who are authorizing your budget.
Luka Zorenč
combat medic.
As some of you know, Luka has also taken a shoot at writing and has published a very interesting book Lynx. We wanted to learn more about Luka`s motives to write such a book — describing his experience in the military, selection, basic SOF training, deployments... What is special about this title is that the leading character`s (Luka, of course) experience and emotions are stripped off — without any sweet talk or makeup. So, when scared, sad, hungry, cold, angry — Luka clearly points it out.
Special forces personnel are not superhumans, they feel it all! Being special doesn’t mean doing extraordinary things. Being special means doing ordinary things extremely well, even when you are tired, sad, angry, scared...
Luka Zorenč
combat medic
A training detail, Mali. : Luka Zorenč
As his time in the military was running out, Luka had decided to step into the contractor waters. Feeling a bit annoyed with the military, Luka had been deeming how to change things to better and decided to write the aforementioned book that might “Make younger generations to join the military... To pump in the new blood with a different mindset. Generally, the whole world needs some sort of basic military, police, firefighter and/or medical training. People are increasingly becoming snowflakes and do not want to work. Everyone wants to get rich quick, without real work or time invested. This TicToc generation needs to wake up!”
If you are willing to grab a book (English version) for yourself or for an enthusiast, or professional who would appreciate it, you can check it out and buy it on this link .
At the very end of this thrilling chatting, we discussed about the UF PRO, their gear and work ethics. Luka praised their educational content as a way to both, promote their superb gear and educate the community with experienced individuals, demanding high standards.
A training detail, Mali. : Luka Zorenč
Considering the huge need for a similar content here in Serbia, we wanted to ask Luka about a possible joint work on domestic projects, because, at the end, we let Slovenia win the Eurobasket in 2017, so at least Luka (Zorenč, not Dončić) can return a favor now. Jokes aside, being a serious professional, exceptional combat medic and a great guy, Luka is open to any solid projects in the future, regarding his area of expertise. So, to all serious guys and companies here — bring them on!
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